Welcome to Calvary Youth!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10

CBC Youth is the youth ministry at Calvary Baptist Church! This ministry is for all students in 6–12th grade.

CBC YTH exists to empower students to own their faith.

We believe that God has gifted each of us with unique talents and passions, and when you use them for God’s glory, you ultimately get the joy of participating in what He is doing!

We want you to experience the joy of living life on mission for the Lord, and we invite you into a community of students who are after the same thing!

We would love for you or your children to get involved in our youth ministry.
Contact our Youth Director Jack Patterson if you have any questions!


Sundays | 9 AM

Equipping Class
This time before Sunday Services are aimed at giving you tools to grow your faith, like practicing a way to share your faith, learn a new discipline, or grow your knowledge of the Bible. Come to the Student Center ready to learn and be equipped for the mission!

Wednesdays | 5:30 PM

Middle School Small Groups
Small groups are where deep friendships are forged and your faith is grown as you study Scripture and share life together. For middle schoolers, keeping in line with our vision of empowering students to own their faith, several high school students lead our middle school small groups at the church on Wednesdays before youth group!

Wednesdays | 6 PM

Youth Group (6-12th Grade)
Join our community at the Student Center for a time to celebrate, worship, study the Bible, and fellowship!

What you can expect on a Wednesday night:

  • Games
  • Worship
  • Student Testimonies
  • Teaching/Preaching
  • Discussion Group
  • Fellowship
Sunday Evenings

High School Small Groups
Small groups are where deep friendships are forged and your faith is grown as you study Scripture and share life together. For high schoolers, a few church members have opened their homes to host and lead these small groups, allowing a natural environment for community to develop. Reach out to Jack for more information on when and where these happen!

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming CBC Youth events are listed below!